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animated email imageEmail FMS Bob

Who am I that you call me pain?
I am one of the five senses God has given all of His animals, including You,
I am in your mind to let you know what is dangerous by touch, heart and memory.
I am in your soul, to allow you to Know the feeling of loss; as no mere creature can feel,
I am the part of you which is Never wanted, So I am alone.

IYou have the right to be angry with me, while I will never contest
You, You have the courage to cope with me, to live as though I don't belong.
You have the Power to adjust to me, as WE become one,
You are one of Gods' Special People, for you understand His agony at Calvary.

IWe will live with pain as a badge of courage, NOT as an emblem of shame,
We have the emotion, His Son feels as He accepts our sins, only to love us even more.
We can see and feel what all before us have, so shall those who follow us,
We are a Special lot as we will Never be alone, as long as you know his kingdom.

FMS Bob © February 1998

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