I'd Do It All Again
I Walked In The Sunshine
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I'd Do It All Again
My child gives me great pleasure,
In ways you'll never understand,
His love is unconditional,
As he reaches out to take my hand.
He feels safe and he feels loved,
It's all reflected in his eyes,
That trust touches me deeply,
At times, bringing tears to my eyes.
Some people say I'm a fool,
That I should have let him go,
Put him away and lived my life,
I just smile because I know.
He's the reason I am living,
There's nothing I'd rather do,
Sure there's times it gets heavy,
After all I'm human too.
Some things I have sacrificed,
But Loves not one of them,
His smile makes it all worthwhile,
And I'd do it all over again.
He may never speak a word,
Or pick up a pen and write,
He conveys his love silently,
To me, that's more than all right.
We live in a special world,
Sometimes it's just me and him,
He gives my life meaning,
And Yes, I'd do it all again.
Dixie L. Lippert © July, 1998
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I Walked In The Sunshine
I walked in the sunshine,
There was nothing I didn't do,
I laughed, I loved, I did it all,
Entering worlds I never knew.
I have the treasured memories,
Those will never fade away,
Now it's time to help another,
Walk where I walked yesterday.
I have a handicapped child,
Whose needs far exceed mine,
Hopefully with my help,
He'll also walk in sunshine.
I still walk in the sunshine,
Just not in the same way,
I'm trying to give to another,
What God gave me yesterday.
I wrote this for a friend whose son is Autistic. I believe it's inspirtional and fits a lot of people. I myself have MS
but I thank God for all my yesterdays.
Dixie L. Lippert © July, 1998