Angels in the Snow
The Haunted Heart
Take respite here with me
beneath our loving family tree,
which represents our unity.
Rest awhile with me.
A song that never ends.
Echoes in the hearts of friends.
In melody, affection blends.
A song that never ends.
In one place, this tree will grow,
but this I want you all to know.
The roots extend across the miles.
Each root imbibes your joyous smiles.
The branches reach up towards the sky.
To catch your prayers as they soar by.
The beauty in each fragile flower, too,
will strengthen, and empower you.
This conduit between you and me
remains bound in love and memory.
And I, dear friends, just like the tree,
am there with you. You're here with me.
Nothing can change that energy.
Together, we will always be.
I'm just a thought away.
I'm there with you each day.
I'll comfort you at night.
And when your time is right,
I'll lead you to the light.
Therefore, please, come.
Take respite here with me
beneath our loving family tree,
which represents our unity.
Come. Rest awhile with me.
Held within the memory.
Forever to be a part of me.
One moment.
One time of joy.
That everyone
never dies
Eleanora - The Godmother - N. Gambino, April 19, 1996
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Angels in the Snow
I can't make angels in the snow,
nor walk into cold and raging winds.
I can take a hand that reaches out to me.
That's where true love begins.
I can't always hold my moods on top
in every moment of my time.
Just like yours...
They rise.
They fall.
Is that such a crime?
To accept all
is to endure
hurtful things without protest.
I refuse
to succumb to
anything but my best.
Yet, the truth, I realize
can be painful to the core.
I just tried to give support.
I can't do too much more.
Physically weaker.
Closing doors.
I have mine.
You have yours.
We all rise.
We all fall.
I believed
we would
beat it all.
I tried to remain strong all the while.
I attempted to wear for you a smile.
To keep you happy when you were down.
To chase from you the painful frown.
You couldn't bear that I could break,
nor could you erase my sadness.
So you run. That's your mistake.
Enough of all this madness!
I never wanted more from you
than your understanding.
Was I wrong to need your comfort?
Was I too demanding?
So quickly our relationship began.
So swiftly it, now, ends.
No day passed without words of love.
Were we lovers? Were we friends?
Truth is
this sudden, abrupt surprise,
I predicted in your eyes
long before the true demise
with all the
little things
that I perceived.
I knew, but I believed
that my perceptions weren't true.
I believed in you.
You might think you broke my heart.
No, that privilege isn't yours.
Long ago, this heart was shattered.
Never healed.
Nothing mattered,
and I'll tell you why.
It was then
my heart would die.
It was then
I learned to say good bye.
Yet, foolishly, once more,
I stepped right through that door.
I lived a lie. What lie?
I believed!
What truth?
I was deceived.
I loved you,
yet, I doubt, now,
that you truly loved me, too,
despite the words you told me every day.
I shared with you all that I had.
This is how you pay.
Now, you try to tear me from the core!
Your actions tell me more!
You cannot break this heart.
You tried before, still I took you back with me.
That first time wasn't very nice.
I never give the same gift twice.
Make you choice.
Speak in your passive voice.
I'm deaf to you!
There is nothing left of you!
My love has paled.
You, sir,
not I,
have failed.
No tears are here.
Not one has shed.
I stretch out in my empty bed.
I fall asleep in peace, instead.
I can love, and I will, again.
I'm confident in how and when,
yet, should the cold and raging wind
cause chills within my soul,
I shall remain whole.
I'll guard what remains within my heart.
On my own, I will survive.
All by myself, I'll stay alive.
Alone, yet never lonely, I shall be.
I can take a hand that reaches out to me.
Not changed. Not rearranged
by your shifting choice. I shall have a voice.
You will see when you let go
that I have strength.
Watch me grow!
And you will miss me, yet I know,
I can't make angels in the snow.
© Eleanora - The Godmother - N. Gambino, January 1, 1996
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The Haunted Heart
My friend, you are not alone.
You are like me.
I, too, have chased away ghosts from my past.
And through the magic of this wizardry,
Have derived with you a joy I'm sure will last.
Therefore, please, let me haunt your heart...
Allow me to reside within your space...
Whether we are together or apart...
Let me see the smile on your face...
Unusual, unique, the way we've met...
Somehow, no more loneliness dwells here...
No one may understand what is, and yet...
We both hold what we've found as very dear.
Tomorrow's verse, we still have yet to know...
So we will take each day, one at a time...
With haunted hearts, together we will grow...
Unraveling each mystery and rhyme....
Through the darkness of vast distance our lights entwine,
creating a beauty emblazoned with a glow.
Daybreak's colors blend with yours and mine
overcoming all the darkness that we know.
Who could have known that we would dare erase
the blackness of the night for one another?
The words we've shared and sent from place to place
have melted down the miles between each other.
No distance separate. No time elapse will steal
away from haunted hearts that hold the light,
which in it's warmth and glow makes, ever, real
the meaning of it's reflection in the night.
How your words engulf my very soul!
What is it of this heart, you seek to capture?
The energy we share has made me whole...
You, sir, have placed me in a kind of rapture...
Before your words met mine, I sought to sleep...
In sleep, my body knows nothing of my pain...
Now, in the morning, all I seek to keep...
Is each and every moment shared, again...
With you, who have become my source of strength...
The strength that you have sent right from the start...
You could have turned away, ignoring me at length...
Instead, you answered me and shared my heart...
The gratitude I have and do express...
for all the time that followed that first night...
will ere be something that I'll not repress...
throughout our time together on our flight...
If you should ask of me an explanation;
of what has become for us a source of bliss?
I'd take the time. Not think of the duration
it takes to find the cure to what we miss.
How do I answer you? What is my worth?
Each day, here alone, isn't the same.
It is as though I've experienced rebirth
since the first time that I saw your name.
The remedy you seek is not here, friend.
Only half the recipe dwells in this site.
Both ingredients of this potion must blend
to unravel these mysteries in flight.
Therefore, remain destined in your choices.
Together, our true answers will be found.
Our haunted One...rejoices!
You will find sweet joy where you are bound!
You tell me that your haunted heart was, once, demure.
You say that an adventurous heart has emerged.
How did this metamorphosis occur?
Not from me! My've purged.
You've said that the light transcends from me.
Sweet love, you have made all the credit mine.
Stand before a mirror. You will see
that haunted, daring hearts, we two combine.
I was a spirit dwelling in a broken shell
waiting for the moment to be set free.
You came into my life and taught me well
that there is so much more in life for me.
Outside its twisted home my spirit soars.
It's never known so beautiful a dance.
My spirit's energy communes with yours.
Through magic, yes, this spiritual romance.
Our haunted hearts have an ethereal view.
They swell with joy at the wondrous design.
The graceful dance that I share with you
will create unending melodies divine.
The channel that flows between you and I
has it's origin in a higher place.
The course it follows lights the sky,
filling hearts with love. Each empty space.
No distances can shake it's energy.
Ever constant are it's powers.
Its shining orb created this bond tween you and me.
A connection that fixed this union within the first hours.
This is the source of our rejuvenation.
Out of our darknesses was born a wondrous light.
No more detachment. Gone the segregation.
These things are gone! No more the lonely night.
What we share, and will share is the resolution.
Tomorrows have an efficacy of their own.
We touch despite distance. We'll find the solution.
Sweetheart, know you will never be alone.
© Eleanora - The Godmother - N. Gambino,
June 26, 1973,
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run the race.
Our special children try to pace all they do,
all they feel,
to learn
to live
to become real.
First she tries to count to ten.
Then, she stops and tries, again.
One has learned to lift a spoon.
A task that equals men on the moon.
Another has learned to say a word.
A better sound has not been heard.
And it was he that learned to play
and work with others throughout the day.
With patience and love, he will try
to care for himself, and to get by.
Slow slow
How they grow!
Our special children...
What they know!
To love. To give.
For us to live.
© Eleanora - The Godmother - N. Gambino, April 1 Oct 97
Published: December, 1973 by the Norwalk, CT Board of Education