As I sit here in the Library, I can Feel the pain
in my shoulders, neck, face, and head.
I often wonder what keeps me going.
Is it the Unknown purpose of Life?
Is it my Husband?
my Family?
my Love for Children?
or Myself?
Out in the distance I find myself on the edge of a cliff.
As I look straight across, I can barely see another cliff.
When I look down, there is no bottom to be found.
When I Look to see if I can leap to the other side,
it seems to be just out of reach.
As I Look around me and see no one is there,
No one to hold my hand,
and say, "They Care"
Just about the time I think I can jump
and make it to the other side,
I start to make the Leap, then I freeze.
Once more I look down and there is No
bottom to be found.
So once more I stand on the edge,
gazing at the other side and wonder
if I can make it to the other side.
It may not be today or tomorrow,
but I know with time and patience
I will make it to the other side.
I would like for you to know that the title of the poem is from the hospital that I was in for depression. I have vowed that I would not be hospitalized again for depression. - Laura
LauraD426 © August, 1997
Additional Works by this Artist can be found in the:
AnA Personal Stories